Bioo, The High-Tech Houseplant, Charges Your Smartphone With Plant Power

Bioo from Arkyne Technologies, uses the plant's biological elements expelled after photosynthesis are to generate electricity. A USB wire, biological nanowires and an anaerobic chamber make up the system that powers smartphones.

"The magic happens inside the plant pot, where energy created by the plant's biological elements expelled after photosynthesis is transferred for our use in [the] form of electricity,"
-Bioo creators explain on their Indiegogo page.

Bioo contains a sealed water tank which is designed for high efficiency and optimal water management. It's designed to save users up to eight liters of water monthly. In terms of power Bioo can provide up to three phone charges per day (3.5 volts). Even when the plant isn't photosynthesizing under the sun, it provides electricity in the evening hours. 

People who pledge €89 (or around $101) on Bioo's Indiegogo page are eligible to receive a Bioo set to ship out December 2016. They company has already reached their goal on Indiegogo which was €15,000 (or around $17,000).
Here is a link to their Indiegogo page.